About MedicalVAR

Connecting Medical Professionals to Value Added Resellers providing work flow solutions to increase patient visits, eliminate transcription costs, enhance reporting insurance tiers and maximize practice profit margins. Whether you desire a face-to-face experience for training and installation or purchase on line, we partner with resellers that have the highest qualifications and credentials.

How do we define Value Added Reseller? Value added means we partner with companies with the expertise to provide a full compliment of services that will support an integrated product line. You can expect these professionals to provide time-saving solutions, customized implementation and personalized consulting. You will receive a full-service purchase experience. Our resellers will walk you through any training or support issues that may arise during your installation process and have you seeing more patients in no time!

With over 20 years in voice solutions experience our team remains dedicated to the development of speech recognition solutions for Medical professionals.  We will help to identify the correct reseller, offer best practice advice, and provide suggestions on industry leading input devices and much more!

We appreciate how critical time management is to you as a medical professional. Don’t spend valuable time trying to figure out the best way to use Dragon Medical Software for your practice. Our VAR Partners will get you up and running faster, customizing the software to fit like a glove for your practice.

Exceptional service, Faster installation resulting in a rapid return on investment!

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